Sunday, February 3, 2008

Choosing Between Plants and Seeds

Choosing Between Plants and Seeds
With vegetable gardening, there are certain plants that are generally
best to start from seed while others are better to be started as
plants. Beans, corn, radishes, and most other common vegetable
plants are ok to start from seed outdoors. Vegetable that are
generally best to start as plants include tomatoes and green peppers.
You may choose to grow some of these seeds indoors until they are
ready to be planted outdoors. You will learn more about growing
plants from seeds indoors later in this guide.
n Planting Seeds in Your Garden Bed
When sowing the seeds in your vegetable or flower garden, it is
important to read the back of the packaging to determine how deep
the seeds should be planted and how far apart your seeds should be
spaced. Depth is important because this ensures the roots of your
plants will be able to reach the proper depths to keep your plants
healthy and strong.
Spacing is also important because your plants can choke each other
out as they fight for space and nutrients if they are planted too
closely together. At the same time, you want to utilize your space to
its fullest. Therefore, you don’t want to plant your plants further
apart than necessary.
Planting Plants in Your Garden
When purchasing plants to add to your garden, planting instructions
should be included with the plant. If not, speak to one of the
employees at the nursery to learn how far apart you should space
the plants. So far as the depth, simply plant the plant deep enough
that your soil just covers the top of the soil the plant is currently in.
If you plant your plant deeper then this, the stem can rot. On the
other hand, the roots will dry out if you do not plant it deep enough.
Choosing the Best Time
Keep in mind that the best time to plant plants is on an overcast day
that is not very windy, as this is the least stressful condition for
plants. Nonetheless, you have to work within your schedule as well.
This may mean planting on a windy day or in the middle of a hot day.
Preparing the Plants for Transplant
Whether the conditions are ideal for planting or not, there are a few
steps you can take to make the process easier on your plants. First,
water the plants while they are still in their pots on the day before
you plan to plant them. In addition, you should never remove the
plant from its pot and let it sit out before planting because this will
cause the roots to dry out and become damaged.
Digging the Hole
Of course, you will need to dig a hole to place your plant in. You
should dig your hole to be twice as big as the perimeter of the pot
the plant is in. This helps ensure the dirt is nice and loose around
the plant once you place it in the ground. Then, you will remove the
plant from the pot and place it in the hole. After the plant is in place,
backfill the hole and gently push the ground down around it so it is in
place. Do not push too hard, however, as you can damage the roots
or even the stem. Instead, allow the water you will apply later to
help push the dirt down into place.
Removing the Plant from the Pot
Removing plants from pots that are not peat pots can be tricky at
times. You should never pull on the plant from near its top. Rather,
you should first squeeze the flowerpot in order to help loosen the
dirt around the roots and make the plant easier to remove. Then, fan
your hand over the top of the pot while allowing the stem of the
plant to poke through from between your fingers. Turn the pot
upside down, and the plant should fall out into your hand. Keep your
hand and the plant upside down until you place it upright in the hole
you have prepared for it.
If the plant does not come out easily after you have squeezed the
outside of the pot, you might need to give it a little extra help. If the
pot is large enough, you might use a small hand garden shovel to
scrape around the outside of the soil inside the pot. This can help
further loosen it and help you remove the plant. If the pot is small,
you might need to grab the stem of the plant in the area just above
the soil to help pull it out. You should, however, continue squeezing
the flowerpot as you do this to help with the process.
Helping a Root Bound Plant
Once the plant is removed, you might notice that your plant is root
bound. As plants grow and become bigger, they need to be either
placed in the ground or transplanted to a larger pot. Unfortunately,
nurseries rarely transplant the plants as necessary. As a result, the
growing roots have nowhere to go. This causes them to start to
wrap around the soil the plant is planted in.
A root bound plant is easy to identify. First, the dirt will maintain the
shape of the flowerpot after the plant has been removed. Second,
you will notice roots wrapped around the outside of the dirt. These
roots hold the dirt in place, which is why it maintains its shape.
Planting a plant that is root bound is not healthy for the plant. The
roots have started a poor growing pattern. In fact, many of them are
working their way back up to the top of the dirt. Of course, plants
needs their roots to go down into the ground so they can gather
nutrients and form a strong hold. Therefore, you need to break this
growth pattern before placing the plant in the ground.
In order to fix a root bound plant, you will need a pair of pruning
shears or a knife. You then need to cut away all of the roots you see
on the outside of the plant. You do not need to cut the roots
completely off the plant. Rather, slice through them so they hang
down and no longer wrap around the soil. You will know the plant is
ready to be placed in the ground when you are able to move the soil
around freely and it is no longer taking the shape of the pot.
Plants in Peat Pots
Some plants are sold in peat pots. In this case, you will not need to
remove the plant from the pot before planting it. Rather, you should
place the entire plant in the ground and the peat pot will help add
nutrients to the ground.
Watering Your New Plant
After you place your plant in the ground, whether it was root bound
or not, you need to water it thoroughly. Transplanting a plant from a
flowerpot can be quite shocking to the plant, particularly if you had
to cut away its root bound roots. Watering your plant right away will
help it overcome that shock. It will also help it start to form its
strong root system.
Most plants should be watered every day for about a week after they
have been planted in order to ensure they take root and become
properly established in the garden. You should, however, read any
directions that may have been included with your plant because some
require more watering while others prefer less.


Now that you have a garden bed filled with rich soil, it is time to
start planting in it! From here, you have two choices. You can either
plant seeds or purchase mature plants. Or, you may choose to do a
combination of both.
n Selecting Healthy Plants for Your Garden
When you first walk into a nursery, every plant may look healthy and
of high quality. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. In addition to
being disappointed by the performance of the plant if you choose
one that is unhealthy, you also may bring some diseases back to your
other plants or to your soil. Therefore, you need to take a few steps
to make sure the plants you select are healthy and perfect for adding
to your garden.
Nursery Quality
The first thing you need to examine is the overall quality of the
nursery. Do the plants seem to be generally well cared for and
healthy? Do the employees seem to understand how to care for the
plants? Are they able to provide you with proper advice for their
care and maintenance? All of these factors will help you determine if
you should turn around and run out of the nursery or if it just might
be a good place to purchase a healthy plant.
Next, take a look at the foliage of the plants for sale. Once you find
a plant you are interested in purchasing, check to be sure the leaves
are shiny, green, and lush. If the leaves are yellowing or wilting, it is
best to leave it at the nursery. These plants probably are not
diseased, so they will not cause harm to your garden. Rather, the
wilting and yellow color is a sign that the plant is stressed. You can
never be sure if a stressed plant will recover. If you are feeling
confident in your gardening skills, you might still take this one home if
it is on sale for a great price. Or, ask one of the employees if he or
she will discount the plant for you because of its condition.

Plant Shape
After inspecting the foliage of the plant, look at its overall shape. A
compact plant that is full and has multiple stems is usually better than
a tall plant. In fact, a tall plant is often an indication that the plant has
been straining to find light. As a result, it can grow to be thin and
spindly, which means the plant may break easily or may require
staking in order to keep it upright once you place it in your garden.
Insects and Disease
In order to keep the other plants in your garden safe, you will also
need to inspect the plant for signs of insects and diseases. To do this,
look at both sides of the leaves as well as in the potting soil. If you
see holes, blackened areas, spots, distortions, or mushy areas, the
plant may be infected. A sticky feeling on the leaves or on the soil
are also bad signs.
We discussed plants that are root bound earlier in this guide. It is
best to avoid root bound plants whenever possible because being
root bound is stressful on the plant, as is snipping away at the roots
later. Of course, you cannot always tell if a plant is root bound while
it is at the store because it is inside a pot. You can, however, look for
roots growing out of the bottom of the pot or even roots that have
grown to the top of the soil. Both are signs that the plant has
become root bound. You may want to stay away from these plants
because it can take some time for them to recover from the
On the other end of the spectrum, you may find a plant that easily
lifts out of the pot and has no signs of roots. This indicates the plant
was recently repotted. In this case, it is usually best to let the plant
remain in the pot for awhile before attempting to transplant it to
your garden.
The stem of the plant is another important area to inspect. If the
plant you are considering purchasing is thick or woody, check for
cracks or scars from previous breaks. Prior damage to the stems can
still cause the plant to be weakened overall, so it is best to stay away
from those that have been damaged.
You should also look for weeds growing in the pot along with the
plant. Weeds in the pot are a sign that the plant has been neglected.
In addition, it means your plant has been fighting with the weed for
nutrients. As a result, it can be week and unhealthy. Furthermore,
you do not want to bring new weeds home with you when you
purchase a new plant.
Root Ball
If you are purchasing a balled-and-burlapped shrub or tree, you
should also inspect the root ball. It should feel solid and should not
appear to be broken. If it has been broken, the roots may have
become dried out and the plant will have a difficult time adjusting and
Flowers Vs. Buds
It is also best to purchase new plants before they have flowered. If
you are purchasing a plant at about the time it should flower, select
those with buds rather than those that have flowered. Budded plants
transplant better than those with flowers. In addition, the flowers
often wilt away when transplanted. Plants with buds, on the other
hand, will usually still bloom and provide you with wonderful flowers
to enjoy in your garden rather than in the store.
In the end, nearly any plant may be able to be saved. So, if you see
one that you really have to have but you know it isn’t healthy, you can
still go ahead and purchase it. Just be prepared to give it a little
pampering. If it is diseased or has insects, however, it is not worth
risking the health of your other plants.